Period 5
Chapters 22-24
Summary: After a month at Gateshead, Jane returns to Thornfield. She meets Mr.Rochester there and he asks for her opinon on wedding matters. Then he ushers her into the house and she tells him that Thornfield is her one and only home. In chapter 23, Jane is in the garden and runs into Mr.Rochester, and he tells her he will have to find her a new job in a month and suggests a job in Ireland for her. Jane tells him she doesn't want to go, and he asks her to be his wife. She is shocked and doesn't believe it, but she finally agrees. In chapter 24, Jane kisses Mr.Rochester and he wants to shower her with gifts but she refuses saying that he will love her for a few months and then he will continue only to like her. Then the pair head down to town to go shop with Adele and tell Mrs.Fairfax about the marriage. Jane then says she wants everything as it was until the wedding, and Mr.Rochester agrees.
Quotation: "My bride is here...because my equal is here, and my likeness. Jane, will you marry me?"(269).
Quotation Significance: Jane is in the garden with Mr.Rochester and is just finding out his intentions to marry her. She is shocked. Mr.Rochestere is saying that he loves Jane, and she is his equal. He desperately wants to marry her.
Reflection: Jane has discovered that Mr.Rochester wants to marry her. Obviously this means that the fling with Miss Ingram was a ploy to make Jane jealous or not real at all. Jane loved Mr.Rochester, but never excepts that he will return her love. She is ecstatic but a little suspicious, I think she believes that Mr. Rochester has a crush on her and that it wont last very much longer. But she has decided to take a chance on him, most likely because she is so in love with him. Mr. Rochester wants to prove his love to her with expensive dresses and gifts, but this will not win Jane's heart and she has no interest in his money. She just wants to be happy and doesn't care too much on how she looks. She tells him that he will just have to accept that or not marry her. Adele is overjoyed at the marriage, because this means she most likely wont be sent away to school. All in all, Jane and Mr. Rochester are happy about the wedding to come soon.
Discussion Question: How do you think this marriage will affect everyone else in the household, and how long do you think this marriage will last?
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