Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Animal Farm Ch.9 Litblog

Mary Ann MacDonald
Period 5
Chapter 9
Summary: In chapter 9, rations were reduced again and all the young piglets are trained by Napoleon and any animal who meets a pig on the path must step aside for the pig. Pigs are also allowed to wear green ribbons on Sunday. The field was full of barley all for the pigs and the once a week Sponetaneous Demonstartion was put into place. Boxer falls when hauling a rock and is driven the "hospital" (the knacker's). At the end of the chapter, the pigs receive another box of whisky.
Quotation: "'Comrades, comrades!' they shouted. 'Don't take your own brother to his death!' But the stupid brutes, too ignorant to realise what was happening, merely set back their ears and quickened their pace" (114).
Quotation Significance: The aniamls say this as the horses and the driver are taking away Boxer to be cut up and killed for horse meat. They are telling the animals to rebel against the humans and not listen to what they have to say. What is ironic is that Napoleon is sending them to death by the way that he is treating them. They don't realize it but they are being treated worse than when they had Jones.
Reflection: Napoleon has now even more control. He is conversing freely with humans. The only commandment he has not broken is "All animals are equal". But it is easy to predict that this commandment will eventually be broken as well. In fact it is almost borken when the other animals haveto move aside for hte pigs when they are walking down a path and they meet up. I find it hard that someone hasn't really spoken up. It is obvious that Benjamin knows what is going on and either doesn't care or knows what will happen if he doesn't obey the rules. Either way, Napoleon is getting away with being a ruthless tyrant and no one now is trying to stop him at all. Animal Farm directly comapres with the Russian Revolution. Marx, the man who invented Communism is Old Major.  Jones is the old Czar (ruler) and the last ruler of Animal Farm before the Animals take it over and replace his way with Animalism. Napoleon is Stalin (ruler of new Communism governement) because he is the ruler of the Animal Farm and exiles his co-ruler, Snowball (Trotsky). Snowball and Trotsky also believed in Animalism and Communism. Stalin and Napoleon basically pretended they di and then corrupted the system.  When Boxer is sent to the knacker's he will be chopped up for horse meat and dog food. Napoleon obviously did this to receive money so he wouldn't have to keep caring for Boxwer and feeding him for more and more years. Squealer comes up with a lie and tells the animals that Boxer was really at the hospital and that he couldn't be saved. Next I think that the pigs will become so much like the humans that soon they won't be able to tell the difference between the two species.
Discussion Question: How far do you think Napoleon will go for complete control of the farm? Do you think that the pigs will become the humans themselves?

1 comment:

  1. 60/60
    I was sad when Boxer died, but I guess that is what Orwell is saying we should feel for the people who are duped by the communist system. Maybe he's also saying something about the intelligence level of the average person and how easily we follow leaders without questioning.
